This is the second stellar session of Dig In! Campus Agriculture and the Hart House Farm Committee’s winter event series, What You Need to Know to Grow.
Before you get down n’ dirty this spring, brush up on your knowledge of food sovereignty and security, learn something new, or simply consider another perspective on a real, basic, yet essential topic: FOOD!
WHEN? Tuesday, February 14th from 2:00 – 4:00pm WHERE? South Dining Room, Hart House (7 Hart House Circle) HOW MUCH? Free!
We’re pleased to be hosting a range of perspectives on the topic, including: – Meredith Kushnir, International Program Coordinator, REAP-Canada – Jennifer Penner, Local Food Systems & Agriculture Consultant – Daniel Vandervoort, Graduate Student and Activist in Food Sovereignty Issues – You!
Please RSVP to
Light snacks provided.
Invite your friends on Facebook
Find more details about this event series. Click HERE
