Victoria Day marked the beginning of the summer and brought with it a somewhat warmer climate and for this reason, many people have begun gardening. In keeping with the gardening spirit, Dig In began digging in! We’ve begun weeding and planting at our various plots all over campus and we’d love to see new and old faces at our ongoing Garden Workdays. If you are not familiar with our farming plots, don’t worry because here are three of my favorite gardens.
1.Sidney Smith plot: The plot at Sidney Smith in my opinion, is maybe the most ingenious use of campus space for urban agriculture. Located right by the Willcocks commons, this space is hard to spot but serves as a bed for tomatoes, potatoes and chard. I hear that last year there were giant sunflowers too. As of right now, the Sid Smith plot has been seeded and is all set for the summer.

2. Hart House Plot: The Hart House plot is a space right outside Hart House that is cultivated every year and serves as one of Dig In’s demonstration garden. I somehow always manage to find passers-by picking and harvesting food from this particular garden and it always makes me smile. In any case, right now this garden is being weeded and planting will begin soon.

3. The Food For all Equity garden: Located outside the UTSU building, this garden is committed to producing food for the U of T Food and Clothing bank. This incredible effort is one that I admire and cannot wait to get involved with. Currently, we’re growing garlic at this garden and will be planting more stuff soon!

These gardens demonstrate the ingenuity, commitment and ongoing responsibility that growing food in an urban environment requires. It is for this reason that these three gardens are my favorites. However, these are not the only projects that DigIn works on through the summer and if you would like to know more watch this space or send us an email at and we’d be happy to tell you.