A good pickle is easy to find if you have a favourite brand or something. A great pickle however, is hard to come by. Salty, garlicky and crunchy dill pickles are super awesome by themselves or in a sandwich and are even easier to make! You just have to follow three basic steps and you can have some awesome homemade pickles soon!
1. Prepare your spices: For dill pickles, you will need dill seeds that can be found at Whole Food or Bulk Barn. Add some peppercorn or chili flakes and thrown in 2-3 cloves of crushed garlic in there too. Once you’ve created your spice mixture, add it to a jar.
2. Prepare your brine: A pickling brine is very easy to put together. All you need is equal parts cider vinegar, water and salt. You can play with the amount of salt you want in your pickles.
3. Prepare you cucumbers and jars: You can either cut or pack the cucumbers whole into your jars. Once you’ve added the spices to the bottom, pack the cucumbers tightly and set them aside.

– Bring the brine to a rolling boil and fill the jars leaving 1/2 inch from the top of the jar.
– Make sure all the cucumbers are covered in the brine. Tap the bottom of the jar on a table or flat surface to bring all bubbles to the surface.
– Put the lids on and you can process the jars in a bath of hot water for 5 mins if you want to (you don’t have to).
– Once cool, store the jars in the refrigerator and leave for a minimum of 48 hours before consuming.