There are lots of ways you can get involved with Dig In! Campus Agriculture over the next number of months… take a look at the roles below and shoot an email to if you’re interested or want more information!
*Outreach & Events * (~1-2h/week, February – April, or later) – weekly or bi-weekly blog posts on relevant issues – update social media accounts – make and maintain contacts with other on and off-campus groups – seek out media coverage, write press releases – act as a representative for Dig In! at relevant meetings, including but not restricted to the following groups/projects: Hot Yam! planning meetings, Greenhouse Renewal Team meetings, University of Toronto Environmental Resource Network working group meetings
*Garden Planning* (~10h total, February – April) – research what to plant, based on our past experience, garden specifications and donation or selling agreements (ie. what groups can make use of) – draw or digitally create mock-ups of garden design and planting lay-out – source seeds and determine planting schedule
*Garden Maintenance* (~1-3h/week, April – August, or later) – become “head gardener” for a specific plot for the season, or part of the season, depending on availability – perform maintenance as needed, including weeding, watering, mulching, harvesting and delivering produce to storage or those who are receiving the produce – gardens for maintenance: Sid Smith (1 spot left), Hart House, Med Sci (planters), Willcocks (planters)
