The Dig In! volunteers had a lot of work to do this week seeding and planting as spring is in full swing.

seedlings in the anthropology building. The leafy greens are a salad bowl lettuce variety and were planted in the Medi Sci planters.
We started to harden off some seedlings to get ready for more transplanting. To harden off plants, bring the seedlings outside, starting off with small allotments of exposure and slowly increasing their time outside 7-10 days before transplanting to get them conditioned to the new outdoor climate.

Dig In! volunteers plant strawberries, spinach and onions into the Willcocks planters
We also seeded in the Med Sci and Willcocks planters, sowing onions, spinach and strawberries, which are companion plants. We finished by sewing peas, carrots and beets in the newly composted Hart Hose plot.

Dig In! volunteer Elie sows carrots into the Hart House plot

Elie shifts compost through a milk crate to prevent any large uncomposted pieces from getting into the garden.